Hi there! My name is Marijn, 40 years old and living in (well, near) Ghent, Belgium.
In order of how important it is in my life, I am… … a husband and father. I’ll name these two together to keep the two most important people in my life happy. … a mountain runner. The reason why I don’t just say "runner" is because the mountain part is so important. I’d rather stop running but still spend time in the mountains than the other way around. But when I am in the mountains, I love the sensation of running downhills and pushing my limits to go further and higher. … a software engineer by education turned team lead, engineering manager… what’s in a name. … a passive music enthusiast. I don’t create music but I do enjoy exploring new music. Contrary to what most people would think, I mostly tend to wallow myself in rather sad, emotional music. More than certain genres, I am a fan of certain emotions. … unable to blink with my left eye and am married to a person that will let no chance go by to make fun of this fact.
Frequently asked questions
Are you always that calm?
No. But I am 99% of the time I guess.